Ralspeed were recently contacted regarding an urgent repair on a large soft start which was essential in the rapid freezing process of fresh fish for a company in Peterhead, North Eastern Scotland.
A 550kw blast freezer motor which was started by an old Ralspeed Torqmaster 2000 soft start which was more than 20 years old and operated for in excess of 50000 hours!
Via telephone assistance and online fault finding guides, we were able to establish the issue to be a failed thyristor module. The customer immediately removed the soft start and returned to the Ralspeed workshop for an immediate repair.
On return, a new set of thyristor assemblies were manufactured and installed, with the electronic controller being upgraded for the latest Torqmaster 3000 version.
The new Torqmaster 3000 is a direct physical replacement for its predecessors, with the bonus of several new features and simple interfacing for both programming and fault-finding analysis, via a USB interface.
The repair was tested in the workshop and the original parameters transferred to the soft start, which was immediately dispatched by courier back to Scotland. The customer reinstalled and were quickly back to blast freezing the catch of the day!
Customer feedback is always appreciated and Ralspeed received the following comment ‘The unit arrived safely yesterday evening, thanks for the quick turnaround!’.
There are also two more original Torqmaster 2000’s on site of a similar age and they are already planning on having the same refurbishment procedure on each, hopefully ensuring decades more service.
For variable speed drive and soft-start sales and support, including control panel manufacture, on-site installation and repairs or retrofits; with equipment ranging from 0.55Kilowatt to 1Megawatt, contact Ralspeed today.